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Gandi LiveDNS script DDNS

Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:36 pm

I modified the NOIP script to make it work with Gandi LiveDNS. it work well, but only with a single domain. To make that use multiple domain, I have to convert the following curl/jq line to "/tool fetch", but I can't. This line is used to change the gandi zones UUID
curl -s -H "X-Api-Key: $apikey"$domain | jq -r '.zone_records_href'

I convert the first part that use curl but I don't know how to convert the last part that use jq.
/tool fetch mode=https http-method=get http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,X-Api-Key:$apikey" url=$domain

Please give me some advice or suggestions to convert the jq code, if it is possible.
# LiveDNS automatic Dynamic DNS update written by Massimo Ciani
# Credits:
#    - This script was designed using the NO-IP script written by riverron
#--------------- Change Values in this section to match your setup ------------------
# LiveDNS API key
:local apikey "your api key"
# Set the domain and subdomain of zone to be updated.
# Hostnames with spaces are unsupported. Replace the value in the quotations below with your domain and subdomain.
# To specify multiple domain, separate them with commas.(not working right now. Only one domain)
:local domain ""
:local subdomain "subdomain name"
# catch this by using this command on your computer (change the $apikey and $domain): curl -s -H "X-Api-Key: $apikey"$domain | jq -r '.zone_records_href'
:local zonehref "<UUID>/records"
# Change to the name of interface that gets the dynamic IP address
:local inetinterface "pppoe-out1"
# No more changes need

:global previousIP [:resolve "$subdomain.$domain"]

:if ([/interface get $inetinterface value-name=running]) do={
# Get the current IP on the interface
   :local currentIP [/ip address get [find interface="$inetinterface" disabled=no] address]
# Strip the net mask off the IP address
   :for i from=( [:len $currentIP] - 1) to=0 do={
       :if ( [:pick $currentIP $i] = "/") do={ 
           :set currentIP [:pick $currentIP 0 $i]
   :if ($currentIP != $previousIP) do={
       :log info "LiveDNS: Current IP $currentIP is not equal to previous IP, update needed"
       :local noiphostarray
       :set noiphostarray [:toarray $domain]
       :foreach host in=$noiphostarray do={
#         Next line must be converted from curl to "/tool fetch"  to have multidomain work
#          :local zonehref [curl -s -H "X-Api-Key: $apikey"$domain | jq -r '.zone_records_href']
           :log info "LiveDNS: Sending update for $subdomain.$host"
           /tool fetch mode=https http-method=put http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,X-Api-Key:$apikey" http-data="{\"rrset_name\": \"$subdomain\",\"rrset_type\": \"A\",\"rrset_ttl\": 300,\"rrset_values\": [\"$currentIP\"]}" url="$zonehref/$subdomain/A" dst-path="" output=none
           :log info "LiveDNS: Host $subdomain.$host updated on Gandi with IP $currentIP"
   }  else={
       :log info "LiveDNS: Previous IP $previousIP is equal to current IP, no update needed"
} else={
   :log info "LiveDNS: $inetinterface is not currently running, so therefore will not update."

I'm not a programmer and maybe there are some error in the script. If there are please report to me.

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Re: Gandi LiveDNS script DDNS

Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:38 am

finally I solved the conversion by reading more better the liveDNS documentation. It's possible to use a shortcut link, simply by put only the domain instead of UUID zone. It's not necessary to use "jq".
It's describe here:

Moreover I decide to rewrite the script from scratch, with different logic, to have update on multi-domain and subdomain.

Put the following script on "system script" as new script with policy "read, write, test" and name "LiveDNS_DDNS". If you use pppoe connection, go to ppp profile and click the profile that pppoe use. In the field "on up" put this line "/system script run LiveDNS_DDNS". without quotes.
If you want, you can also put a scheduler to run every 30m, as check, if your ISP change the IP on the fly. But this, normally not happen.

# ----- LiveDNS dynamic DNS multi domain and subdomain write by Massimo Ciani  ------
#--------------- Change Values in this section to match your setup ------------------

# Your LiveDNS API KEY
:local apikey "your APIKEY"

# Set the domain and subdomain to be updated.
# Replace the value in the quotations below with your domain and subdomain name.
# To specify multiple domain and subdomain, separate them with commas.
# IMPORTANT: Before to start the script, remember to create manually the records for all domain.
:local domain ","
:local subdomain "sub1,sub2,sub3"

# Set the name of interface where get the internet public IP
:local inetinterface "pppoe-out1"

# No more changes need

# get current IP
:global currentIP
:if ([/interface get $inetinterface value-name=running]) do={
    :global currentIPa [/ip address get [find interface="$inetinterface" disabled=no] address]
# cancel netmask from interface IP address
    :for i from=( [:len $currentIPa] - 1) to=0 do={
        :if ( [:pick $currentIPa $i] = "/") do={ 
            :set currentIP [:pick $currentIPa 0 $i]
} else={
    :log info "LiveDNS: $inetinterface is not currently running, so therefore will not update."
    :error [:log info "bye"]

# Recursively resolve al subdomain and update on IP changes
:global domainarray
:set domainarray [:toarray $domain]
:foreach host in=$domainarray do={
    :global subarray
    :set subarray [:toarray $subdomain]
    :foreach sub in=$subarray do={
        :global previousIP [:resolve "$sub.$host"]
        :if ($currentIP != $previousIP) do={
            :log info "LiveDNS $sub.$host: Current IP $currentIP is not equal to previous IP, update needed"
            :log info "LiveDNS $sub.$host: Sending update"
            /tool fetch mode=https http-method=put http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,X-Api-Key:$apikey" http-data="{\"rrset_name\": \"$sub\",\"rrset_type\": \"A\",\"rrset_ttl\": 300,\"rrset_values\": [\"$currentIP\"]}" url="$host/records/$sub/A" dst-path="" output=none
            :log info "LiveDNS $sub.$host: updated on Gandi with IP $currentIP"
        } else={
            :log info "LiveDNS $sub.$host: Previous IP $previousIP is equal to current IP, no update needed"
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Re: Gandi LiveDNS script DDNS

Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:25 pm

I would like to thank you for the script, it worked nicely; but I was missing two key features: 1/The ability to upgrade the root domain as well. In GANDI Live DNS API root domain is referring by the character @ in the subdomain. 2/I have a split brain DNS so internal resolution was not providing the correct external IP to check whatever it changed or not, so I forced external resolution to the DNS in the $resolver variable. This is the result:
# ----- LiveDNS dynamic DNS multi domain and subdomain write by Massimo Ciani  ------
#--------------- Change Values in this section to match your setup ------------------

# Your LiveDNS API KEY
:local apikey "your APIKEY"

# Set the domain and subdomain to be updated.
# Replace the value in the quotations below with your domain and subdomain name.
# To specify multiple domain and subdomain, separate them with commas.
# IMPORTANT: Before to start the script, remember to create manually the records for all domain.
:local domain ","
:local subdomain "@,sub1,sub2,sub3"
:local fqdn
:local resolver ""

# Set the name of interface where get the internet public IP
:local inetinterface "pppoe-out1"

# No more changes need

# get current IP
:global currentIP
:if ([/interface get $inetinterface value-name=running]) do={
    :global currentIPa [/ip address get [find interface="$inetinterface" disabled=no] address]
# cancel netmask from interface IP address
    :for i from=( [:len $currentIPa] - 1) to=0 do={
        :if ( [:pick $currentIPa $i] = "/") do={ 
            :set currentIP [:pick $currentIPa 0 $i]
} else={
    :log info "LiveDNS: $inetinterface is not currently running, so therefore will not update."
    :error [:log info "bye"]

# Recursively resolve al subdomain and update on IP changes
:global domainarray
:set domainarray [:toarray $domain]
:foreach host in=$domainarray do={
    :global subarray
    :set subarray [:toarray $subdomain]
    :foreach sub in=$subarray do={
        :if ($sub = "@") do={
            :set fqdn "$host"
        } else {
            :set fqdn "$sub.$host"
        :global previousIP [:resolve domain-name="$fqdn" server="$resolver"]
        :if ($currentIP != $previousIP) do={
            :log info "LiveDNS $fqdn: Current IP $currentIP is not equal to previous IP, update needed"
            :log info "LiveDNS $fqdn: Sending update"
            /tool fetch mode=https http-method=put http-header-field="Content-Type:application/json,X-Api-Key:$apikey" http-data="{\"rrset_name\": \"$sub\",\"rrset_type\": \"A\",\"rrset_ttl\": 300,\"rrset_values\": [\"$currentIP\"]}" url="$host/records/$sub/A" dst-path="" output=none
            :log info "LiveDNS $fqdn: updated on Gandi with IP $currentIP"
        } else={
            :log info "LiveDNS $fqdn: Previous IP $previousIP is equal to current IP, no update needed"
Now you can use @ in the subdomain list to tell the script that the root should also be updated and if you have split brain DNS the external resolution will keep ok.
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Re: Gandi LiveDNS script DDNS

Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:18 pm

I've updated the script to make it work with the current version of the API and stored it in a public Github repository. Please feel free to create a PR to keep it updated in the future. ... record.rsc

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