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Cloud-based option to check backup files

Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:54 am

I had a strange issue recently where the script I had that had previously been emailing a backup nightly quit deleting the file after emailing it and the memory filled up to the point where I couldn't even manually delete files. I discovered this about a week before an extended power outage ran the UPS dead and when it came back up it lost all of the changes that had been made over several months...all the way back to the last backup that was emailed.....

Just prior to this I had went to the site and made a manual backup. I'm not going to waste time explaining how I screwed up or griping about OneDrive when it's my own fault.... I screwed up and now I have over a dozen backup files - all with the same filenames - that also have the same dates on them.

There was a considerable amount of customization lost during the interim when it wasn't backing up that I would like to get back but I don't know which backup file it is. It's a CCR 1009 which has a Tile processor. I don't have another, (I know I should have a 2nd unit for backup but the powers above won't allow it....even now when I could use it to sort out the backup files:-(...) because they just don't want to make it easy on me because it is, after all, my own fault....

As I understand it, I need a router with a Tile processor to be able to put these files on the router and sort this out where the differences are. $500 router just to view the backup files. I can't take the site offline and just start throwing backups at it. But I need to know which of these files is the correct one.

So the question is... short of trying to find one on ebay used and spending $200-$300 since this would be out of my own pocket, is there any other device I can put a Tile backup on that will allow me to at least work with these backup files? Maybe a cloud router on Amazon? Is there a containerized Tile image anywhere? Or will a Windows cloud router on Amazon work despite it not being Tile?
Or is there another device that is close enough but much less expensive that I can load these backup files to?
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Re: Cloud-based option to check backup files

Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:46 am

If backup was made in the binary form then the only way is to restore it on the device you made the backup on
as it is bound to the particular hardware.

You should restore last backup to the device, then export configuration to text with "/export file=...." command and compare the result with exported configuration of the previous to the last one. Having the diff you can apply them to the running configuration.

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