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SwOS Lite feature request - IP watchdog, PoE power cycle

Tue May 17, 2022 3:22 pm

I have a few netpower lite 7R setups sharing a single CubeG-5ac60ad radio between a few neighbors. When it works, it works fine. But sometimes after a power outage (probably some short brown-out) the Cube just hangs (both main 60GHz and backup 5GHz wireless interfaces). Now, with redundant PoE from a few customers, it becomes difficult to recover by power-cycling (especially if someone is on vacation etc.). Would it be possible for the switch do detect this (no upstream connection through the radio) and try to reboot the radio (PoE-out power cycle) automatically after some timeout? (Could reboot the switch as well - SwOS takes much shorter to start than any radio anyway.)

SwOS can't easily ping any IP address, because it only responds using the same IP and MAC - doesn't send anything on its own. But there is an exception: DHCP requests, and this is my suggestion - add an option to power-cycle the PoE-out port if no response after a few repeated initial DHCP requests, or DHCP lease expires with no response to repeated renew requests (lease time can be configured on the DHCP server). Automatic reboot even after a long timeout is better than having to ask a few people to power-cycle their PoE simultaneously, or disconnecting some cables on the roof.

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