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FEATURE REQUEST: Add domain names as comments and static list for dns-to-address-list

Wed Jun 21, 2023 5:08 pm

What's new in 7.5 (2022-Aug-30 12:25):
*) dns - added "address-list" parameter for static DNS entries

Since the release of RouterOS 7.5, which introduced support for dns-to-address-list, many configurations that required collecting domain names have been simplified. There is no longer a need for bulky address lists to maintain the corresponding IP addresses. This feature is truly fantastic, and I appreciate MikroTik for implementing it.

However, after using it, I encountered another issue. In the list, there are numerous IP addresses, and it is difficult to determine which IP corresponds to which domain name. Every time I come across an IP, I have to check the DNS cache to find its associated domain name.

Could you consider adding a feature to address this problem? It would be helpful to have a log entry for each dns-to-address-list entry, showing the domain name that the IP is resolved to.

For example, if I configure "," it would be written as an entry in DNS_GOOGLE:
Previously, there would be a list of IPs in DNS_GOOGLE like this:
/ip firewall address-list
add address= list=DNS_GOOGLE dynamic=yes
add address= list=DNS_GOOGLE dynamic=yes
With the addition of comments, it would look like this:
/ip firewall address-list
add address= list=DNS_GOOGLE dynamic=yes
add address= list=DNS_GOOGLE dynamic=yes
This way, it would be clear that: corresponds to the DNS result of corresponds to the DNS result of

Additionally, the current dns-to-address-list entries are added as dynamic=yes,
which means they will automatically timeout.
Could you also include an option for static listing, which will not timeout?

Of course, for now, this issue can be resolved by periodically executing CLI commands like:
/ip firewall address-list set [find list=DNS_LIST timeout!="0"] timeout="0"

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